From the desk of Director
The world is too small to gain knowledge. So we have to move towards the Almighty GOD to let us recognize the strength of ours.
Education is the most desired characteristic which is in need now a days whose root is bitter but the fruits are the sweetest.
Students are the way to the LORD. They are told by the LORD " Let the children come to me, this heaven is for them".
We try to nourish them as like the siblings waiting for the water and sunlight to get flourish.
About the Institute
This institution was established in the year 2007 to promote a scientific way of study about the Mathematics and Science rather than theoretical.
This institution is located in the heart of the city and surrounds a well developed silence zone. It promotes the student to a lot of their own be a good citizen.
Registration and Admission
Admissions and Classes for Ninth (IX) and Tenth (X) starts from Thursday 28th March 2024.
We are happy to announce the admissions for new academic session to start from Tuesday 2nd April, 2024.
A New Initiative For Commerce students
मंगलवार 4 अप्रैल, 2023 से हम कक्षा 11 और 12 के लिए commerce की classes शुरू कर रहे है।
आप कार्यालय में मिलकर अधिक जानकारी ले सकते है।
हम एक सुदृढ़ भारत की ओर कदम बढ़ाने में आपका सहयोग चाहते है।